Sunday, September 4, 2022

2000 Opposite Words, Definition and Example Sentences

2000 Opposite Words in English

Here are 2000 Opposite Words List:

 Above – Below

Advanced – Elementary

Affirmative – Negative

Alive – Dead

Annoy – Satisfy

Artificial – Natural

Attic – Cellar

Better – Worse

Careless – Careful

Ceiling – Floor

Clean – Dirty

Cold – Hot

Constant – Changeable

Destroy – Build

Dictatorship – Republic

Different – Alike

Difficult – Easy

Distant – Near

Domestic – Foreign

Drama – Comedy

Easy – Difficult

Emigrate – Immigrate

End – Beginning

Enemy – Friend

Enjoy – Hate

Entrance – Exit

Exactly – Approximately

Failure – Success

False – True

Floor – Ceiling

Go – Come

Good Luck – Bad Luck

Happiness – Sadness

Hell – Heaven

Hilly – Flat

Hopeless – Hopeful

Humane – Cruel

Humid – Dry

Immigrate – Emigrate

Import – Export

In Front Of – Back

Interesting – Boring

Lady – Gentleman

Less – More

Little – Big

Loud – Quiet

Near – Distant

Nephew – Niece

Noisy – Quiet

Nothing – Everything

Notice – Ignore

On – Off

Pull – Push

Push – Pull

Question – Answer

Raise – Lower

Regret – Satisfaction

Reply – Ask

Right – Wrong

Rough – Gentle

Sad – Happy

Safe – Dangerous

Safety – Danger

Same – Different

Scream – Whisper

Shelter – Exposure

Short – Long

Stop – Start

Ugly – Beautiful

Unite – Divide

Vertical – Horizontal

Visitor – Host

War – Peace

Wealthy – Poor

Wedding – Divorce

Wet – Dry

Whole – Part

Accept – Refuse

Always – Never

Attack – Defense

Autumn – Spring

Beauty – Ugliness

Best – Worst

Bore – Amuse

Come – Go

Compliment – Insult

Connect – Separate

Consonant – Vowel

Continue – Interrupt

Create – Destroy

Cry – Laugh

Dawn – Dusk

Dead – Alive

Defence – Attack

Delicious – Awful

Deny – Admit

Departure – Arrival

Devil – Angel

Divorce – Marriage

Divorce – Marry

Emigration – Immigration

Everything – Nothing

Final – First

Fix – Break

Follow – Lead

Fortune – Bad Luck

Freeze – Melt

Full – Empty

Funny – Serious

Generous – Mean

Giant – Tiny

Give – Take

Harvest – Plant

Heaven – Hell

Huge – Tiny

Ill – Healty

Increase – Reduce

Loser – Winner

Love – Hate

Man – Woman

Maximum – Minimum

Mean – Generous

Miss – Hit

Odd – Even

Often – Seldom

Old – Modern

Open – Closed

Outside – Inside

Parents – Children

Peace – War

Plant – Harvest

Poor – Rich

Powerful – Weak

Presence – Absence

Pretty – Ugly

Protect – Attack

Receive – Send

Reduce – Increase

Seldom – Often

Sink – Rise

Slow – Fast

Smooth – Rough

Special – General

Start – Finish

Strange – Normal

Suburb – Centre

Succeed – Fail

Sugar – Salt

Sunny – Cloudy

Unity – Division

Up – Down

Vacant – Occupied

Weak – Powerful

White – Black

Amateur – Professional

Ancestor – Descendant

Ancient – Modern

Angel – Devil

Answer – Ask

Arrive – Depart

Ask – Answer

Awake – Asleep

Back – In Front Of

Bad Luck – Fortune

Before – After

Begin – End

Behind – In Front Of

Birth – Death

Brave – Cowardly

Break – Fix

Changeable – Constant

Comedy – Drama

Danger – Security

Day – Night

Deep – Shallow

Descendant – Ancestor

Die – Live

Divide – Unite

Division – Unity

Divorced – Married

Downstairs – Upstairs

Dry – Humid

End – Begin

Enter – Leave

Export – Import

Fat – Slim

Finish – Begin

Good – Bad

Guest – Host

Health – Disease

Here – There

High – Deep

Hot – Cold

Lead – Follow

Leave – Arrive

Left – Right

Let – Forbid

Liquid – Solid

Live – Die

Lovely – Terrible

Lower – Raise

Male – Female

Many – Few

Marriage – Divorce

Marry – Divorce

Melt – Freeze

Moon – Sun

More – Less

Occupied – Vacant

Partial – Total

Permit – Forbid

Plenty – Lack

Private – Public

Protection – Attack

Pupil – Teacher

Rainy – Sunny

Rear – Front

Refuse – Agree

Repair – Damage

Reply – Question

Rude – Polite

Rural – Urban

Salt – Sugar

Servant – Master

Sick – Healthy

Sister – Brother

Trust – Suspect

Urban – Rural

Victory – Defeat

Village – Town

Water – Land

About – Exactly

Active – Lazy

Admit – Deny

Afraid – Brave

Against – For

Agree – Refuse

Alike – Different

All – None

Apart – Together

Approximately – Exactly

Bad Luck – Good Luck

Big – Small

Careful – Careless

Centre – Outskirts

Cheap – Expensive

Cloudy – Clear

Compulsory – Voluntary

Cool – Warm

Correct – Wrong

Cowardly – Brave

Cry – Whisper

Damage – Repair

Defeat – Victory

Depart – Arrive

Disease – Health

Down – Up

Early – Late

Evening – Morning

Find – Lose

Finish – Start

Foreground – Background

Forward – Backward

Friend – Enemy

Hopeful – Desperate

Horizontal – Vertical

Host – Guest

Ignore – Notice

Immigration – Emigration

In Front Of – Back

Inside – Outside

Intelligent – Silly

Interrupt – Continue

Kind – Cruel

Lack – Abundance

Land – Take Off

Late – Early

Light – Dark

Light – Heavy

Mend – Break

Natural – Artificial

New – Ancient

Niece – Nephew

Not Yet – Already

Occasionally – Frequently

Off – On

Opponent – Supporter

Order – Mess

Out – In

Over – Under

Part – Whole

Pleasant – Awful

Polite – Rude

Present – Past

Quiet – Loud

Remember – Forget

Rich – Poor

Single – Married

Sit – Stand

Sometimes – Often

Spring – Autumn

Stand – Sit

Strong – Weak

Vowel – Consonant

Warm – Cool

Waste – Save

Wealth – Poverty

Whisper – Scream

Ancestor – Descendant

Attack – Defend

Awful – Nice

Background – Foreground

Be Interested In – Bore

Below – Above

Black – White

Bottom – Top

Boy – Girl

Broad – Narrow

Busy – Lazy

Calm – Excited

Child – Adult

Close – Open

Construction – Destruction

Cruel – Human

Dark – Light

Desperate – Hopeful

Dusk – Dawn

East – West

Ending – Beginning

Even – Odd

Expensive – Cheap

Free – Arrest

Frequently – Occasionally

Fresh – Old/Stale

Gentle – Violent

Girl – Boy

Guilty – Innocent

Happy – Sad

Hate – Enjoy

Healthy – Ill

Heat – Cold

Heavy – Light

High – Low

Human – Animal

Hungry – Thirsty

Husband – Wife

Intentional – Accidental

Lazy – Active

Lose – Win

Low – High

Master – Servant

Men – Women

Midnight – Noon

Modern – Ancient

Monarchy – Republic

Morning – Evening

Narrow – Broad

Native – Foreigner

Night – Day

No – Yes

Normal – Strange

Open – Closed

Outskirts – Centre

Pass – Fail

Rest – Work

Right – Left

Sadness – Happiness

Satisfy – Annoy

Save – Spend

Serious – Funny

Stand – Lie

Stranger – Native

Strict – Gentle

Stupid – Clever

Summer – Winter

Ugliness – Beauty

Under – Over

Upstairs – Downstairs

Useful – Useless

Useless – Useful

Valley – Mountain

Violent – Gentle

Well- Ill

West – East

Wide – Narrow


Absence – Presence

Add – Subtract

Adult – Child

Allow – Forbid

Amuse – Bore

Answer – Question

Antonym – Synonym

Argue – Agree

Ascent – Descent

Asleep – Awake

Backward – Forward

Bad – Good

Beginning – End

Boring – Exciting

Build – Destroy

Catch – Miss

Cold – Heat

Dangerous – Safe

Daughter – Son

Defend – Attack

Descent – Ascent

Dirty – Clean

Everybody – Nobody

Excited – Calm

Exclude – Include

Exit – Entrance

Exposure – Shelter

Fast – Slow

Female – Male

First – Final

Flat – Hilly

For – Against

Foreign – Domestic

Foreigner – Native

Form – Destroy

Future – Past

General – Particular

Handsome – Ugly

Hard – Easy

Hit – Miss

In – Out

Insult – Compliment

Land – Water

Laugh – Cry

Learn – Teach

Lie – Stand

Life – Death

Like – Hate

Little – Much

Long – Short

Major – Minor

Married – Divorced

Miss – Catch

Much – Little

Negative – Affirmative

Particular – General

Past – Future

Poverty – Wealth

Probably – Certainly

Professional – Amateur

Quick – Slow

Sell – Buy

Senior – Junior

Separate – Connect

Set Free – Arrest

Shut – Open

Silly – Intelligent

Slim – Fat

Small – Big

Some – Many

Son – Daughter

Soul – Body

South – North

Start – Stop

Subtract – Add

Success – Failure

Voluntary – Compulsory

Abundance – Lack

Accidental – Intentional

After – Before

Already – Not Yet

Animal – Human

Beautiful – Ugly

Bitter – Sweet

Blunt – Sharp

Body – Soul

Borrow – Lend

Brother – Sister

Buy – Sell

Cellar – Attic

Certainly – Probably

Children – Parents

Clear – Cloudy

Clever – Stupid

Closed – Open

Complicated – Simple

Courage – Fear

Courageous – Cowardly

Death – Birth

Destruction – Construction

Dull – Interesting

Elementary – Advanced

Empty – Full

Equal – Different

Exciting – Boring

Extreme – Moderate

Fail – Succeed

Far – Near

Fear – Courage

Few – Many

Forbid – Allow

Forget – Remember

Front – Rear

Gentleman – Lady

Grown-Up – Child

Include – Exclude

Innocent – Guilty

Junior – Senior

Large – Small

Last – First

Lend – Borrow

Mess – Order

Minimum – Maximum

Minor – Major

Moderate – Extreme

Mountain – Valley

Nasty – Nice

Never – Always

Nice – Awful

Nobody – Everybody

None Of – Al Lot Of

Noon – Midnight

North – South

Now – Then

Ordinary – Special

Other – Same

Public – Private

Republic – Dictatorship

Rise – Sink

Rough – Smooth

Satisfaction – Regret

Security – Danger

Send – Receive

Shallow – Deep

Sharp – Blunt

Shout – Whisper

Silent – Noisy

Simple – Complicated

Soft – Hard

Solid – Liquid

Sour – Sweet

Student – Teacher

Sun – Moon

True – False

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